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Nutrition and Oral Health

Nutrition and Oral Health Education at
Shadow Creek Pediatric Dentistry

Dr. Hammond and her staff specialize in treating children with physical, emotional and behavioral special needs. However, children without any of these disabilities are often also fearful of the dentist. In order to provide the highest quality of care, we offer a range of techniques to help calm and relax children. One of these is minimal sedation using a safe and effective oral pharmacological agent.

Promotion of Good
Dental Habits

Oral Hygiene


Dr. Hammond and her staff are committed to teaching proper oral health and how a child’s diet can contribute to tooth decay to every family. Here are some tips.

Start brushing your child’s teeth as soon as the first one erupts

For children younger than one year old, only use a wet brush or oral wipe for cleaning.

For ages 1-3, use no more than a smear of a fluoride toothpaste and supervised brushing daily.

Starting at age 3 to 6, your child can use a pea-sized amount of fluoridated toothpaste with twice daily brushing.

Floss your child’s teeth daily after the age of two. Continue until your child is ready to floss independently and effectively. This is usually about age 7-8.

Make sure your child eats a well-balanced diet. Children who snack throughout the day have higher incidences of tooth decay than those who eat three balanced meals.

Create a tooth brushing routine and stick to the same routine each day.

If your child uses a bottle at bedtime, fill it with water. Juice or formula contain sugars, which can lead to tooth decay.

Watch for hidden sugars.

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