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Sedation Care

Minimal Sedation Care at Shadow Creek Pediatric Dentistry

Dr. Hammond and her staff specialize in treating children with physical, emotional and behavioral special needs. However, children without any of these disabilities are often also fearful of the dentist. In order to provide the highest quality of care, we offer a range of techniques to help calm and relax children. One of these is minimal sedation using a safe and effective oral pharmacological agent.

About Minimal Sedation

Minimal sedation is a drug-induced state during which patients respond normally to verbal commands. Airway reflexes and other functions are minimally affected. Minimal sedation alleviates fear and helps to calm the anxious child. It also may allow your child to havemultiple treatments or procedures done in the office.

During all procedures vital signs are monitored and recorded and your child is observed throughout the procedure. Comprehensive medical history will be completed prior to suggesting "minimal sedation" as an alternative treatment. Our team is CPR-certified and trained in the treatment of medical emergencies.

Nitrous Oxide is a sweet-smelling, colorless gas that is inhaled thru the nose. Inhalation therapy is safe to the heart and lungs and can be effective in minimizing gagging. It works rapidly and is eliminated from the body within five minutes of the inhalation of pure oxygen.

Various other drugs can also be used for minimal sedation. Dr. Hammond will prescribe what is appropriate for your child. Our intention is to always have your child comfortable but fully responsive.

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