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Baby Teeth to Primary Teeth

Baby Teeth Eruption

The first baby teeth to erupt are most commonly the lower central incisors (front teeth). Usually, you’ll start to notice signs of teething at six to eight months old. The four front upper teeth are typically next to emerge, with the remainder of baby teeth appearing periodically until your child is around 2 ½ years old. It is typical that the upper 1st molar teeth erupt before the primary canines.

At 2 ½ , your child should have all 20 baby teeth. Baby teeth act as placeholders for permanent teeth, but they’re also important for chewing, speech and appearance. Tooth decay in baby teeth often leads to a greater incidence of tooth decay in adult teeth. Therefore, practicing good oral hygiene, eating a balanced diet and regular checkups at the dentist are important to overall oral health.

Permanent Teeth Eruption

Between the ages of 5 and 6., the first permanent teeth will typically begin to erupt. Usually the first permanent teeth to erupt are the lower central incisors or the first permanent molars (6-year molars). Some replace primary teeth, and some do not. The timeline of this process is different in all children. A full set of permanent teeth including wisdom teeth is 32 in number.

By age 13, most baby teeth should have been lost. The second permanent molars will be erupted by age 14. The third molars or wisdom teeth make their appearance between the ages of 15 and 30 in most people.

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